Metuchen High School: GIMP |
17. Culminating Exercise 1
10 points
In this culminating exercise, you'll use several image-editing skills that
you have worked with recently. The goal is to make a greeting card that
congratulates the four people whose photos appear in the "Exercise" section.
They are friends, so they belong together on one greeting card.
You can download a blank Microsoft Publisher greeting card here.
You'll be editing 4 photos, and when they're ready they should all appear on one page of the card. You can write some simple things on the 3 pages of the card that don't have photos.
Download each of the images below.
For the first photo (graduation1.jpg), edit the photo so that the two out-of-focus people in the background are no longer there. Instead, the entire background should be like the off-white background behind the in-focus graduate.
For the second photo (graduation2.jpg), find a different background that you'd like to use. Replace the photo's background with the new background.
For the third photo (graduation3.jpg), add a frame of your choosing around the photo.
For the fourth photo (graduation4.jpg), have the final photo (the diploma) appear at regular intervals in the image's background. The diploma should appear at least four times.