Test Password


5 points



This app simulates a login screen, where the user enters a username and password. The username can be anything. For the password, it must contain 6 or more characters. You'll want to use 'str.length' in writing this app.

Here is a link to the App Lab documentation:



Extra Credit (4 points)

In addition to containing 6+ characters, the password has to include both a capital letter and a number.

Below are some functions that may be useful.
- getText(), to extract the contents of a Text Input box and store them in a string.
  Example: var password = getText("txtPassword");
- str.includes(str2)
- str.substring(a, b)

It may be useful to include these strings in your app:
var numbers = "0123456789";

It may be useful to use a FOR loop to access each of the characters in the password.

Here are more links to the App Lab documentation:



FOR loop



The video shows what a completed app should do.

The video shows what a completed extra-credit app should do.