Arithmetic Evaluator

14 points

Implement the following algorithm for the evaluation of arithmetic expressions.

Each operator has a precedence.  The + and - operators have the lowest (and equal) precedence, * and / have a higher (and equal) precedence, and ^ (which denotes "raising to a power" in this exercise) has the highest.  For example,

3 * 4 ^ 2 + 5

should mean the same as

(3 * (4 ^ 2)) + 5

with a value of 53.

In your algorithm, use two stacks.  One stack holds numbers, the other holds operators. 

Here is how the expression 3 * 4 ^ 2 + 5 is evaluated:


  Expression: 3 * 4 ^ 2 + 5    
1 Remaining expression:
* 4 ^ 2 + 5
Number stack

Operator stack


2 Remaining expression:
4 ^ 2 + 5
Number stack
Operator stack
3 Remaining expression:
^ 2 + 5
Number stack
Operator stack
4 Remaining expression:
2 + 5
Number stack
Operator stack
5 Remaining expression:
+ 5
Number stack
Operator stack
6 Remaining expression:
+ 5
Number stack
Operator stack
7 Remaining expression: 5 Number stack
Operator stack
8 Remaining expression: Number stack
Operator stack
9 Remaining expression: Number stack
Operator stack


The program does not handle negative numbers. It cannot distinguish between "-" as an operator, and the "-" that makes a number negative.

This is Project 15.3 from p. 696 of Java Concepts for AP Computer Science.

Test your program by running these test cases:

# Test Case Result
1 9 - 6 / 3 7
2 8 - 6 + 3 5
3 9 + 3 * 2 - 8 / 4 13
4 4 * 3 - 6 / 2 9
5 9 / 3 * 2 / 4 * 2 3
6 7 - 6 + 5 - 4 + 3 5
7 8 + 4 - 3 / 3 * 2 10


                    Extra Credit #1

3 points

Enable your program to work with numbers other than the integers from 0 to 9. Some guidance on this is given in

Test your program by running these test cases:

# Test Case Result
1 12 / 3 - 10 * 2 -16
2 15 - 12 + 9 - 6 + 3 9
3 12 + 10 / 5 - 12 / 6 12
4 12 + 24 / 3 / 4 - 3 11
5 15 - 2 * 11 * 3 + 17 -34


                    Extra Credit #2

4 points

Enable your program to handle parentheses. Some guidance on this is given in

Test your program by running these test cases:

# Test Case Result
1 (4 + 6 - 2) / (7 - 3 + 4) 1
2 9 - (3 + 4) / 7 8
3 9 - (3 + 4) - (2 - 5) 5
4 (6 - 2) * 3 - 2 * (3 - 5) 16
5 (6 + 2) / 4 - 9 / (2 + 1) -1


If you did both extra-credits, test your program by running these test cases:

# Test Case Result
1 (322 - 111 - 43) / (21 - 4 - 3) 12
2 132 - (21 + 15) / 12 129
3 270 / (9 * 5) / 2 + (42 + 43) * 12 * 2 2043
4 (119 + 1) / (21 - 13) - (211 - 36) / (19 + 6) 8
5 (53 + 45) / 7 + (6 - 4) * 2 18


Documentation for this program is available here.


                    Starting Point

You can download to use as a starting point in writing your program. Instructions for writing the program are given in the .java file. You'll also need the Stack interface ( and the file you wrote for a previous program.


                    What Does the Program Do?

You can download Arithmetic.jar, which will show you how this program can function when you've completed it. Double-click on the JAR file to get the program to run.