public class BankAccount

// instance variables:
private double balance;

/* constructor: it initializes instance variables
it has the same name as the class */
public BankAccount(double a_balance)
{     balance = a_balance;

// a second constructor -- it doesn't do anything
public BankAccount()
{     balance = 0; }

// 'void' below means that the method doesn't return anything
public void deposit(double amount)
{     balance = balance + amount;

Withdraws money from the bank account.
@param amount the amount to withdraw
public void withdraw(double amount)
{     balance = balance - amount;

// 'double' below means that the method returns a double
Gets the current balance of the bank account.
@return the current balance
public double getBalance()
    return balance;

public static void main(String[] args)
{ BankAccount harrysChecking = new BankAccount(1000);

double money = harrysChecking.getBalance();
System.out.println("Current balance: " + money);

money = harrysChecking.getBalance();
System.out.println("Current balance: " + money);

money = harrysChecking.getBalance();
System.out.println("Current balance: " + money);