15 points
This is a challenging program. In 'Hog' a player chooses how many 6-sided dice to roll - any number of dice between 1 and 10. The player gets points for the total value of the dice rolled unless they roll a 1. If any of the dice show 1, the overall score for the turn is 0.
I used 4 screens to create this game. Here are screenshots of the 4 screens:
![]() This is the start screen that shows when the app is run.
![]() This is the rules screen that explains the game's rules.
![]() This is the play screen, where the player makes their choice.
| ![]() This is the results screen, which displays the results of the player's roll.
Here is the Hog image I used, in case you want to use it too.
The video describes the 4 screens you could use to write this app.
The video shows how a completed Hog game would work.