If you didn't complete these when you took Java Programming:
1. Bar Codes
2. Recursive Binary Search
3. Insertion Sort
4. Palindrome
5. Merge Sort
6. A Stack Class
7. Arithmetic Stack
8. A Queue Class
9. 911 Ambulance Dispatch
10. Elevens Project
11. Towers of Hanoi
Due January 6:
Chapter 10 of the Java Concepts text covers Inheritance. Read sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of Chapter 10. (The remaining sections in the chapter are recommended reading, but the material covered is not included in the AP curriculum.) Answer these questions from the Review Exercises that begin on page 489: R10.1, R10.2, R10.3, R10.4, R10.5, R10.6 and R10.9. In addition, do these exercises from the Programming Exercises that begin on p. 493: P10.3 and P10.6. This exercise is worth 9 points.
Visit this link for more information on these exercises.
Due Dec. 6:
Complete this project that makes use of the concepts of inheritance. This exercise is worth 8 points.