MHS Java Programming

Abe would have taken computer programming, if it had existed in 1825.


1. Draw a House
2. Temperatures
3. Basic Math
4. When is Easter?
5. Karel - Get the Paper
6. Karel - Draw A Face
7. Karel - Draw A Face 2
8. Drawing Food with BreezyGUI
9. Digital Clock
10. Digital Clock 2
11. Weather Advice
12. Weather Advice 2
13. Guess My Weight
14. Ticket Printer
15. Maze
16. Drive a Car
17. Digital Clock 3
18. MadLib
19. Grading
20. Car 2



Due February 14:
Read sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of Chapter 7 of Java Concepts, 6th Edition on Arrays and ArrayLists. Answer these questions from the Review Exercises on pages 278 - 281: R7.1, R7.3, R7.7, R7.8, R7.9, R7.11, R7.12, R7.15 and R7.17. This exercise is worth 6 points.



The quiz on Chapter 7 will be on February 17.

